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Hangul Hero Quiz


This quiz makes use of psychological techniques which are designed for rapid encoding and memorization of the characters.

Hi, Hangul Hero. Your mission is simple: take these hard-to-memorize shapes and commit them to memory by linking them to a picture in order to create an association!

PRONUNCIATION TIP: The first letter of the English word in the picture has the same sound as the Korean character.

Click “Start” to accept your mission and begin learning the characters.

Red circular Start button in white lettering

The first character looks like a BED with a bedpost at either end. See it? It also makes the sound “B” as in “bed.”

Illustration of the Korean alphabet letter ㅂ 비읍 bieup in front of a bed
CLICK the BED to proceed

This character looks like a DOOR or the panels on a door. Knock knock! It makes the sound “D” as in “door.”

Illustration of the Korean alphabet letter ㄷ 디귿 digeut in front of a door
CLICK on the DOOR to proceed

We’ve looked at the BED and the DOOR.

Can you remember which one is the BED?

CLICK on the BED to proceed

Illustration of the Korean alphabet letter ㅂ 비읍 bieup
Illustration of the Korean alphabet letter ㄷ 디귿 digeut
Click to select correct option
Correct, you clicked on the . Well, done. Click anywhere inside the quiz to continue.
Oh no! You clicked on the . The correct answer was BED. Remember the bedposts? Let’s go back and try again.
Click here to try again or click anywhere to proceed

Next up is the GUN. This character looks a lot like a gun (a water gun of course — superheroes like you are much too powerful to need a gun)! It makes the sound “G” as in “gun.”

Illustration of the Korean alphabet letter ㄱ 기역 giyeok in front of a blue gun
CLICK on the GUN to proceed.

We have looked at 3 different letters now. Please select the GUN.

Illustration of the Korean alphabet letter ㅂ 비읍 bieup
Illustration of the Korean alphabet letter ㄱ 기역 giyeok
Illustration of the Korean alphabet letter ㄷ 디귿 digeut
Click to select correct option
Correct, you clicked the GUN. Score! Click anywhere to continue..
Oops! You clicked on the . The correct answer was GUN. Let’s go back and try again.
Click here to try again or click anywhere to proceed

This character is a HAT. It looks a lot like a man wearing a top hat, doesn’t it?

Illustration of the Korean alphabet letter ㅎ 히읗 hieut in front of a man wearing a hat
CLICK on the HAT to continue.

That’s 4 characters so far. We’re well on our way! Can you remember which one is the HAT

Illustration of the Korean alphabet letter ㅂ 비읍 bieup
Illustration of the Korean alphabet letter ㄷ 디귿 digeut
Illustration of the Korean alphabet letter ㅎ 히읗 hieut
Illustration of the Korean alphabet letter ㄱ 기역 giyeok
Click to select correct option
Correct, you clicked on the HAT. Nice work!
You clicked on the . The correct answer was the HAT. Let’s go back and try again.
Click here to try again or click anywhere to proceed

Up next we have the JUG. It looks just like a jug with a spout at the top. It makes the sound "J" as in "jug."

Illustration of the Korean alphabet letter ㅈ 지읒 jieut in front of a jug
CLICK on the JUG to continue.

Ok, time to make sure you’re still with us! Out of these three characters we've covered so far, can you click on the JUG?

Illustration of the Korean alphabet letter ㅎ 히읗 hieut
Illustration of the Korean alphabet letter ㄱ 기역 giyeok
Illustration of the Korean alphabet letter ㄷ 디귿 digeut
Illustration of the Korean alphabet letter ㅈ 지읒 jieut
Click to select correct option
Correct, you clicked on the JUG. Well, done.
You clicked on the . The correct answer was the JUG. Let’s go back and try again.
Click here to try again or click anywhere to proceed

Review time, Hangul Hero! Here are our prime suspects.

First, run through each and see if the association comes to you. Make sure you can identify each association without any prompts and correctly pronounce it. Proceed when you’re ready.

Can you pick out the BED from the lineup?

Illustration of the Korean alphabet letter ㅎ 히읗 hieut
Illustration of the Korean alphabet letter ㄱ 기역 giyeok
Illustration of the Korean alphabet letter ㄷ 디귿 digeut
Illustration of the Korean alphabet letter ㅂ 비읍 bieup
Illustration of the Korean alphabet letter ㅈ 지읒 jieut
Click to select correct option
Awesome! You clicked on the BED. It makes the sound "B." You’re a natural! Click anywhere to continue.
Oops! You clicked on the . The correct answer was the BED. Remember, Remember to look for the bedposts to help you pick it out of the lineup. Let’s go back and try again.
Click here to try again or click anywhere to proceed

Next up, is the LADDER. Superheroes can climb ladders in a flash! See the rungs? It makes the sound "L" as in "ladder."

Illustration of the Korean alphabet letter ㄹ 리을 rieul in front of a yellow ladder
ClICK on the LADDER to proceed.

Climbin’ time! Can you pick out the LADDER from this lineup below?

Illustration of the Korean alphabet letter ㅈ 지읒 jieut
Illustration of the Korean alphabet letter ㄹ 리을 rieul
Illustration of the Korean alphabet letter ㄷ 디귿 digeut
Illustration of the Korean alphabet letter ㄱ 기역 giyeok
Illustration of the Korean alphabet letter ㅂ 비읍 bieup
Click to select correct option
Awesome! You correctly chose the LADDER. Keep it up!
Oops! You clicked on the . The correct answer was the LADDER. Remember to look for the rungs to help you pick it out of the lineup. Let’s go back and try again.
Click here to try again or click anywhere to proceed

This character is the MESSAGE. It’s a square box like a message notification on a smartphone or a piece of mail. It makes the sound "M" as in "message."

Illustration of the Korean alphabet letter ㅁ 미음 mieum in front of a yellow envelope
CLICK on the MESSAGE to continue.

his next character looks like a compass pointing up and to the right like a compass pointing to the north (and the east at the same time). We’ll call it NORTHEAST. It makes the sound "N" as in "northeast."

Illustration of the Korean alphabet letter ㄴ 니은 nieun in front of a compass pointing northeast
CLICK NORTHEAST to continue.

Here are all of the letters we have looked at so far. Can you find the MESSAGE? Click on the MESSAGE to proceed.

Illustration of the Korean alphabet letter ㄴ 니은 nieun
Illustration of the Korean alphabet letter ㄷ 디귿 digeut
Illustration of the Korean alphabet letter ㄱ 기역 giyeok
Illustration of the Korean alphabet letter ㅈ 지읒 jieut
Illustration of the Korean alphabet letter ㅁ 미음 mieum
Click to select correct option
Awesome! You picked the MESSAGE just as directed. Well done.
Oops! You clicked on the . The correct answer was the MESSAGE.
Click here to try again or click anywhere to proceed

This character is the SEASHELL. It looks like the top part of a shell or clam you could pick up on the beach at low tide. It makes the sound "S" as in "seashell."

Illustration of the Korean alphabet letter ㅅ 시옷 siot in front of a yellow seashell
CLICK SEASHELL to continue.

Ok, Hangul Hero! Let’s see what you’re made of.

Before you answer, run through each and see if the association comes to you. Make sure you can identify each association without any prompts and correctly pronounce it. Proceed when you’re ready.

Can you pick out the SEASHELL from the lineup?

Illustration of the Korean alphabet letter ㄴ 니은 nieun
Illustration of the Korean alphabet letter ㄷ 디귿 digeut
Illustration of the Korean alphabet letter ㄱ 기역 giyeok
Illustration of the Korean alphabet letter ㅂ 비읍 bieup
Illustration of the Korean alphabet letter ㅎ 히읗 hieut
Illustration of the Korean alphabet letter ㅁ 미음 mieum
Illustration of the Korean alphabet letter ㅈ 지읒 jieut
Illustration of the Korean alphabet letter ㄹ 리을 rieul
Illustration of the Korean alphabet letter ㅅ 시옷 siot
Click to select correct option
Awesome! You picked the SEASHELL just as directed. Well done.
Oops! You clicked on the . The correct answer was the SEASHELL.
Click here to try again or click anywhere to proceed

Awesome work, Hangul Hero! Wasn’t that easy? You’ve already learned 9 Korean characters! Korean has a total of 24 characters and we want to teach them all to you using visual associations just like these.

Enter your email address below and we’ll send you the rest of the free training!

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Korean alphabet quiz

Are you as obsessed as we are over Korea and its language? If so, how about you take our Korean alphabet quiz and find out just how well you know the Korean alphabet! This can be a fun activity as you learn Korean!

If you also love to devour K-pop and K-dramas and K-movies daily, or you simply love learning the Korean language, then you'll enjoy this quiz!

About the quiz

The Korean alphabet quiz is an online quiz that's helpful if you're in the process of familiarizing yourself with Korean vowels and consonants. By taking on our Korean Alphabet Quiz, you'll be met with multiple-choice questions, and you should identify the Korean letters shown. They'll test how your knowledge of basic vocabulary and understanding of the Korean alphabet is so far.

Don't worry if you don't get it 100% correct the first time; you'll be able to take the Korean alphabet quiz many more times if you wish. It can be a great way to memorize the Korean alphabet or a particular Korean character that's tough for you!

How the Korean Alphabet quiz can help you

You might come across this quiz and decide to take it for fun. However, here are some reasons why the Korean alphabet quiz can actually help you learn Korean.

Confirm your Korean language level

Quizzes can be especially helpful if you're not a complete beginner as you learn Korean. For example, you already know all the letters in the Korean alphabet, so identifying them can be easy for you. However, you might not be sure which level your Korean is. After all, you wouldn't want to spend your time starting from scratch or sitting through the same learning material that you already know.

So, you can look at this Korean alphabet quiz as a placement test. You could evaluate your Korean level so you can know which level to continue learning Korean from. In doing so, you won't get bored while learning Korean, and you also won't find yourself frustrated because what you're learning is too tough. It may also showcase some particular topics and lessons you'll want to go over again.

The quiz can teach you more Korean

As was mentioned above, you can take the quiz as many times as you wish. Therefore, as you take it repeatedly to reach that 100% score, you're also learning and memorizing the parts in the quiz that you did not know yet!

The quiz you take can also help you understand the content. In addition, it may show you how much more you know already than you thought you did! Generally, quizzes might not be enjoyable for most people, but indeed these Korean quizzes - and other tests - are for your benefit! They'll help you see what you already know and where you need to build more knowledge.

Like This Quiz? Then You'll Love our Full Web Course!

Learning more about the Korean alphabet

Finished taking the Korean alphabet quiz? If you enjoyed it and would want to learn more, we have a whole program in store for you!

Inner Circle Course

This is a Korean learning course that is included in the 90 Day Korean membership. The course contains premium lessons focused on the essential parts of the language and is perfect for beginners! The lessons are all explained using psychology and stories, so you can't forget them (even if you tried).

Apart from the courses, there are other features of the program to help you learn the Korean alphabet and everything there is to know about the Korean language. Think of it as the full gear that you can equip as you start to study Korean.

We'd love to have you learn Korean with us! So if you'd like to continue learning what you've started with the quiz, you can check out our Korean language program and see if it's a perfect fit for you!

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Start Speaking Korean Today!

The Inner Circle is a beginner Korean course that delivers you premium lessons every week with only the essential parts of the language, all explained using psychology and stories so you can’t forget them (even if you tried). Plus with our unlimited coaching, it's everything you need to learn to talk in Korean within 90 days!

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